Kirkstall Regeneration
Following last Boxing day storms in 2015 a great deal has occurred in Kirkstall to better prepare businesses and residents alike to reality of more extreme weather conditions in the years to come.
Here at Cardigan Trading Estate or known locally as Cardigan Mills we have installed state-of-art flood defences to better protect the tenant’s units and studios if these adverse weather conditions occur again. The British Standard Institute Kitemark approved flood gates are fitted onto all 35 entrances and exits, professionally installed by Flood Ark Limited.
The basement of Cardigan Mills will soon be fitted with powerful OBART submersible 5500W pumps that will pump water at a rate of 1700 litres per minute whilst fully submerged
Water ingress into the properties is further thwarted by an innovative air brick design that allows unrestricted air flow into the property, yet under flood conditions the rising water is automatically shut off, stopping access through the airbricks and therefore flooding underneath the property. Further more the brick work has been treated in a water repellent polymer inhibiting water entering via the walls.
Team Kirkstall Regeneration Hub has been set up with the assistance of the Environment Agency, Leeds City Council and BAM Nuttall as a focal point for both residents and businesses in Kirkstall to share knowledge and work towards the £50M Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme which will eventually offer greater flood protection to Kirkstall residents through enhancing existing defences, implementing measures to reduce surface water flooding, and increasing resilience and emergency response systems.

As part of Kirkstall Regeneration the hub has engaged hundreds of volunteers who have dedicated thousands of hours helping businesses and residents clean up after Storm Eva last December including undertaking 15 riverbank clean-ups using 150 volunteers on the River Aire. This community spirit making Kirsktall a great place to live and work.
Following the successful completion of Phase 1 in Leeds City Centre, Phase 2 has now been given planning permission to start the £75 million project in Kirkstall. A 1.8 metre clad concrete reinforced wall will be built running along the River Aire at Kirkstall Trading Estate. Both the foot bridge & utility bridge over the River Aire at Milford Place will be raised to mitigate against debris being trapped and increasing flood risk. All of these works will offer a one-in-100 year protection against flooding.